Friday, August 21, 2009

He is gone, Samuel says he likes the set up his room. I have even text-ed him and he has not went me one back. I got his room cleaned up and ready. Changed the bathroom down stairs to a girl bathroom. It looks good. It is a strained time for MOllie and I. Much change in our lives. It is hard for me the house is empty to me.
I enjoy dancing so much. I didn't realize how much I had missed dancing. I really enjoy dancing with Glenn. I really enjoy him, such a gentlemen. He reminds me actually of my father in law. Funny isn't that. He likes to read manuals and fix engines and whatever.
I am having a really good time. I had missed this so much, just enjoying someone. My family is not one that lets me talk to them about all this. I do understand it is just hard. I'd like to bring him to church but I don't think Mollie would appreciate that. In time I'm sure. Hope you are out enjoying this weather. Funny how God gives you what you need not necessarily what you thought you wanted. Kari said that to me.
I get to go out on a date tomorrow with just him dancing. I am so excited Ususally we are with lots of other people. Enjoy the day.

1 comment:

Jina Hinson said...

Peggy, I'm happy to hear how you are enjoying being with Glenn. God is so good to bring joy into our lives--such great gifts from our Heavenly Father. Have a fun time on the dance floor!

BTW, Levi, Samuel and I spent 2 weeks in Mexico with our church's youth team this month. Another woman and her teen-aged son were also part of the team. Her name is Holly and she SO reminds me of you: so upbeat, funny, full of life, lover of Jesus, tender-hearted, married to a craftsman, 3 boys and a girl!!! I had such a great time getting to know her and feel like God had blessed me with Peggy Hope's twin sister while I was in Mexico!

Love you, girl!