Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Insanity has hit. Getting Samuel ready for school. He did the work I just put out the dollars, he really did do a great job. He has been such a delight to raise. I was thinking no driving tickets no wrecks, always made great grades, didn't miss curfew. Besides he is such a sweet person. For all that I have been so grateful.
I told him I thought check in day was the 19th he told me no it is the 18, are you sure, check for me? no it's the 18th. I moved all clients so I could take him on Tues, Samuel comes up two days ago and says oh by the way it is the 19th, maybe it got changed. I asked Michael to take him. Samuel didn't mind but I was sick to death. Cried and felt so sorry for myself.. Mollie reminded me and my friend Debbie that I should try. I decided even if I loose all clients it would be worth taking Samuel. I couldn't get a hold of some of them so Michael took him this morning. I had prayed about it and if it would be best for him to take him work it out. I think now as I was crying and holding Samuel, it is for the best. The two boys all up in the car with it loaded down, so ready.
Beore I could be so sad this am, I wanted to kill him, I have lost some weight and changed sizes and have not had clothes, I went and got some shirts and a skirt, They were all in the washer which he wanted to dry his bed spread, (that I am mad he is taking, he said they got it for me, but it matches the room and the shams, Pooh!) He put the bed spread in dryer with my clothes on high, I now have the tiniest shirts and shirt in the world. Like 3 or my old shirts and 5 new ones. Steam was pouring out of my brain. I did hold it together and went in the bathroom and cried. (did I tell you I am a little emotional)
I made Mollies bathroom girlie. Mary Beth had painted it when she was here, I had been saving some things to do while she was at school. Looked really cute.
I have still been going out with the guy I talked about before. I am really having fun and enjoy him so much as a person. He is a fabulous dancer so that is so fun for me.
Mollie is back in school and I think did pretty well for the first day considering how she felt about goingback.
Squeez hug and tell your loved ones that you do. When I saw them pull away today I thought you know you really could never see them again. Hold every moment.

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